British Cavalry Meets Canadian Artillery
Occurs on
Saturday September 14 2024
Approximate running time: 2 hours
The Arden Theatre ›
5 St. Anne Street
St. Albert
T8N 3Z9
Event Notes
Saturday September 14, 20247:00 p.m.
This event is free, registration is required.
The Royal Canadian Artillery Band is proud to host The Band of the Household Cavalry for our annual joint concert! Our long standing relationship has allowed us to make music together and meet new friends and even some old colleagues. Each of our bands is unique in it's own way.
The Band of The Household Cavalry, based in Windsor, is comprised of musicians from The Royal Corps of Army Music and is one of 14 Regular Army Bands in the British Army. The band was formed in September 2014 by the union of The Band of The Life Guards with The Band of The Blues and Royals, the two mounted bands of the British Army. With over sixty musicians, the band is now the largest Regular military band in the UK.
Learn more about the Household Cavalry here!
The Royal Canadian Artillery Band, formed in 1899, is the oldest professional military band in Canada. They are one of six full time regular force bands in the Canadian Armed Forces. The Band is composed of 35 musicians from all over the country, from various backgrounds. Within the band, we have several small ensembles; Brass Quintet, Woodwind Quintet, Trad Jazz Ensemble and the Rhythm Gunners Big Band.
As musical ambassadors, and a proud part of the Canadian Armed Forces, the RCA Band regularly represents Canada performing locally, across the country and around the world.
Learn more about the RCA Band here!