ESO Outdoors
Occurs on
Thursday August 4 2022
Approximate running time: 2 hours
Outdoor Plaza - St. Albert Place ›
St. Albert Place
5 St. Anne Street
St. Albert
T8N 3Z9
Event Notes
ESO OUTDOORSThursday, August 4, 2022
7:30 P.M.
Tickets are $15 for general admission theatre style seating and $120 for premium table seating for six; prices do not include GST, handling charges, and fees.
A cultural institution nurturing Edmonton and area’s artistic community, members of the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Cosette Justo Valdes, will once again bring the ESO OUTDOORS and fill the Plaza of St. Albert Place (and downtown St. Albert) with a selection of beautiful classical masterworks and pops arrangements.